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If I am experiencing urine leaking with coughing does that mean my pelvic floor is very weak?

Not necessarily – leaking (incontinence) can be caused by a variety of reasons, including have a pelvic floor that is too active! That’s why it is important to see a women’s health physiotherapist for individual assessment & treatment.

Can I have pelvic floor troubles even though I haven’t had any children?

Yes – the pelvic floor has important roles throughout our entire life and not just during pregnancy. There are many roles, and many functions of the pelvic floor which means there are various ways in which you can experience troubles with your pelvic floor.

Do I have to have an internal assessment when seeing a Women’s Health Physio?

Absolutely not – there are many ways in which we can assess and get to the bottom of your concerns. Having an internal vaginal assessment is only ever done with the full consent of the patient.

When should I attend during my pregnancy?

You can ultimately attend whenever you would like. There is great benefit in coming during each trimester as there are areas of focus specific to each milestone of your pregnancy. If you are experiencing any sort of muscle aches or pain in your pelvis or lower back, you can come as often and as early as you would like.

When should I book after the birth of my baby?

Coming around the 4 - 6 week mark is highly recommended. Even if you have no pelvic floor concerns, ensuring your abdominals, pelvic floor and body is recovering after your birth is very beneficial.

Can I bring my baby with me to the appointment?

Of course! Your new bub is very welcome in the clinic.

If I had a caesarean delivery, does that mean I don’t need a women’s health physiotherapy appointment?

No, unfortunately the pelvic floor still undergoes changes and increased loading throughout pregnancy and is very important to check your pelvic floor is recovering. Anyone who has had a baby would benefit greatly from seeing a women’s health physio postpartum, no matter their delivery. Abdominal and scar assessments post caesarean deliveries are crucial in the recovery period

My doctor says I have a prolapse, does that mean I have to have surgery?

No, thankfully there are many ways in which a prolapse can be managed. It is important to have your prolapse assessed by a women’s health physiotherapist and then discuss your options with your medical providers to work out your best line of treatment.

Got more questions?

Cat is always more than happy to answer any questions, so reach out and use the contact form at the bottom to get in touch!

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